About hopspots

Hopspots is developed by Child Experience Design, CxD. Hopspots is an interactive learning tool with additional games and exercises that all focus on movement, play and learning in relation to teaching. Hopspots combines technology and physical space and focuses on the interaction of children. Children get to be part of creating their own educational material and become part of an innovative process. This is expressed through the possibility to self-program Hopspots’s games, for example recording your own sounds. In that way the games can customised the individual needs of children.

The new school reform

By |2018-02-05T12:42:53+00:00January 2nd, 2014|

For several years no one worked on Hopspots. But with the arrival of the new school reform in 2014 new opportunities for development arose and Aviaja chose to make Hopspots a reality. Movement was now a requirement in teaching which perfectly matched Hopspots' philosophy, namely movement, learning and play all in one. New technologies, such as the iPad, made it easier to bring the idea to life and the market had matured and was now ready for the product.

Master’s project in Architecture

By |2018-02-05T12:42:54+00:00April 2nd, 2008|

The concept of Hopspots was developed through Aviaja’s master’s project at Aarhus School of Architecture where the first sketches were made. At that time the iPad did not yet exist and the first container for the spots was a plastic tube. However, the design of the spots has kept its original form. The first prototype was made with a hacked keyboard and Flash and the idea of the connection between the spots and sound was tested.  

The idea for Hopspots

By |2018-02-05T12:42:55+00:00April 2nd, 2006|

Aviaja came up with the idea for Hopspots 10 years ago when she needed a topic for her master’s project at Aarhus School of Architecture. She was passioned in finding  a way to combine technology and physical space with focus on children and their interaction.

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