Hopspots challenges children’s competencies
At Bagterpskolen in Hjørring and Herningvej Skole in Aalborg the teachers and pupils love Hopspots. We talked to Anja Godtliebsen, teacher and IT-advisor at Bagterpskolen, and Henrik Bundgaard, after school care worker and head of pre-preparatory classes at Herningvej Skole, about their experiences with Hopspots.
At Bagterpskolen Anja has borrowed Hopspots for 4 months in total during the past year. She particularly took Hopspots in, in her role as IT-advisor because as she says, “she knows what’s good” and thus she books ahead in order to make Hopspots available at her school. At Bagterpskolen everyone from the first grade and all the way up to the 6th grade have tried Hopspots and Anja says, “they are all equally eager to use it and even the older children find The Chase and Mix’n’Match fun”.
According to Anja, Hopspots is ideal for getting children to move while learning, because it does not take a lot of preparation time to use it during class, and she says “it’s nice to be able to bring Hopspots into the classroom and it is something that the children think is fun and when they even learn something while using it, that’s just so great”. Anja has great experiences with using Hopspots for an entire class, up to 28 children, because as she says: “you just have to spread the spots out far enough – the children can easily handle that – and then we play the games in different ways for instance the children first have to press the spots with their bottoms, next with their elbows, then with their heads etc. – they always think that is so much fun!”

Also at Herningvej Skole in Aalborg, they have great experiences with using Hopspots, which they have had for a year. Henrik tells us that they have a lot of bilingual children who are taught Danish as a second language and here Hopspots is great for instance Mix’n’Match is used to match Danish words with Arabic words. Moreover, Henrik mentions that children ask for Hopspots themselves, and that they particularly love The Chase because it really motivates them to move, but Henrik says that they generally like all of the games.
The teachers at Herningvej Skole book Hopspots through a system they made themselves, so according to Henrik Hopspots is used 5-6 times a week something that we are happy to hear. According to Henrik that is a result of the app being easy to use and once the teachers have figured out how to use Hopspots they actually manage it on their own and just start using it. Henrik says that “Hopspots meets the demand of getting movement into the classroom teaching and creating different and versatile teaching, because the more varied teaching is the more interesting children are going to find it”, which fits perfectly with our desire for Hopspots to contribute to making teaching more exciting and improving learning by using more senses.
Also at Herningvej Skole in Aalborg, they have great experiences with using Hopspots, which they have had for a year. Henrik tells us that they have a lot of bilingual children who are taught Danish as a second language and here Hopspots is great for instance Mix’n’Match is used to match Danish words with Arabic words. Moreover, Henrik mentions that children ask for Hopspots themselves, and that they particularly love The Chase because it really motivates them to move, but Henrik says that they generally like all of the games.
The teachers at Herningvej Skole book Hopspots through a system they made themselves, so according to Henrik Hopspots is used 5-6 times a week something that we are happy to hear. According to Henrik that is a result of the app being easy to use and once the teachers have figured out how to use Hopspots they actually manage it on their own and just start using it. Henrik says that “Hopspots meets the demand of getting movement into the classroom teaching and creating different and versatile teaching, because the more varied teaching is the more interesting children are going to find it”, which fits perfectly with our desire for Hopspots to contribute to making teaching more exciting and improving learning by using more senses.